How nude do I need to be?
One thing is clear: wearing swim trunks or a swimsuit in the sauna cabin is not acceptable. There are good reasons for sweating as unclothed as possible: the evaporation and cooling of the body would be hindered by too much fabric. For those who prefer not to expose themselves to the gaze of others, it is advisable to simply wrap a towel around certain areas (see photo on the left).
Speaking of towels: to maintain hygiene during collective sweating, the golden rule is to place a towel underneath. This ensures that the wood remains protected, as it does not come into direct contact with sweat. Additionally, it is important to quickly close the door upon entering and exiting. This helps sauna-goers prevent too much warm air from escaping
And after the Sauna?
Rest Areas & Grill Lounge
When heading to the relaxation area after the sauna session, it's advisable not to do so in the nude. A bathrobe is appropriate for this setting. In the Grill Lounge of Silvretta Therme, the culinary hub for our sauna or combo guests, there is even a requirement to wear a bathrobe.